
Monica K. S. Choi
Direct Line: (808) 521-0426
E-Mail Address: MChoi@rmhawaii.com
Practice Areas: Civil Litigation Group, Insurance Defense Group
Education: University of California, Los Angeles B.A. (2001); Whittier Law School, J.D. (2006)
Admitted to Practice: Hawaii 2008, California 2007 (inactive)
Ms. Choi is an attorney practicing litigation in various areas, including real property, finance, business, landlord-tenant law, bankruptcy, foreclosure, collections, premises liability, property damage, construction defects, professional liability, commercial litigation, insurance defense, and workers’ compensation. Ms. Choi’s experience includes civil jury trials, bench trials, arbitrations and mediations, and workers’ compensation hearings at the Disability Compensation Division and appellate de novo trials at the Labor & Industrial Relations Appeals Board of the Department of Labor and Industrial Relations, State of Hawai‘i.
Prior to joining Rush Moore LLP, Ms. Choi served as a law clerk to Associate Judge Katherine G. Leonard of the Hawai‘i Intermediate Court of Appeals (2008-2009), and worked as an associate attorney at Ayabe, Chong, Nishimoto, Sia, & Nakamura, LLLP (2009-2015) and as Deputy Corporation Counsel for the Department of the Corporation Counsel, City and County of Honolulu (2015-2022).